Sunday, February 6, 2011

Accidently Deleted My Commets

I accidently deleted all my comments. I thought if I cleared them they would only delete in my dashboard :(
I was wrong. I only had a few comments of course lol, but they were precious to me. Goodbye Kind Words.... I am sorry.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Superheroes and Austin

This is a character concept piece I did for a competition over at I've never really tried to create a superhero, but one thing for sure is that it's super hard to come up with something original. There are hundreds of superhero heroes out there, which means most of your ideas that you think are great... have already been done. Its really frustrating but I finally ended up with this. I am satisfied with the concept but at the same time he does resemble other characters. I had a hard time coming up with a name as well. I first named him Conquest only to find out there are two other comic characters named that so I came up with another and called him Sun Strike but then realized the name had nothing to do with his powers. Finally I named him Vesalius, which if you dont know is an anatomy artist from the 15th century ( ) for some reason I think the name fits... I haven't made up a story from him but i think he'll be from another planet, and Vesalius sounds a little alien to me, so it stuck. If I can think of a decent story, I wouldnt mind coming back to him and making other characters but for now its just a concept.


Austin is a great place to live, but sometimes I forget. I live on the North Side and dont make it south as much as  I should. Theres a totally different vibe going on. People are out there enjoying life... enjoying the small things, enjoying the things we forget about because were so caught up in our phones and other technologies. I've been in Austin going on five years and its time I start living here, instead of being cooped up inside. Since I didn't make a resolution this year, I guess this will be it... To learn how to enjoy the simple things again. This weekend I went down with a few friends. My roommate was taking some fashion photos and a few of us tagged along. While they took pictures we walked along the lake and just enjoyed the day. For the big finale, we went to Homeslice Pizza! Its a great pizza joint, and it was my first visit but surely not my last! So heres a picture of town lake and the other is the inside of Homeslice.